Tooth Extractions – Arlington, TX

Preserving Smiles by Removing Severely Damaged Teeth

Our top priority is to help you maintain a complete, natural, and healthy smile, which is why tooth extractions from our Arlington, TX dental team are oftentimes the last treatment recommendations we make. In cases where a tooth is damaged beyond repair, we may recommend removing it to keep your surrounding teeth healthy. If this is the case, our dedicated emergency dentist, Dr. Atluri, can replace your newly missing tooth with a dental bridge or dental implant-supported dental crown to restore the look and function of your complete smile, so call our dental office today.

Why Choose We Smile Dental of Arlington for Tooth Extractions?

  • Dentist with Over 12 Years of Experience
  • We Utilize Advanced Diagnostic Technology
  • In-House Membership Plan Available

When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

Closeup of dental patient in pain before tooth extractions

We typically recommend tooth extractions in the following situations:

  • A tooth is decayed severely, making it unable to be treated with a filling.
  • An infection has progressed to affect the roots of a tooth, meaning it can’t be treated with a root canal.
  • Gum disease has deteriorated the bone and gums around a tooth.
  • There are too many teeth in the mouth to successfully undergo orthodontic treatment.
  • An accident has caused a tooth to be broken or cracked beyond repair, requiring emergency tooth extraction.

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Dental tools lying on table with PPE and prop tooth

Of course, the process of removing a tooth will depend on a few factors, including if the tooth in question is above or below the gumline. However, there are a few things that are the same across the board. For example, we will thoroughly numb that area of your mouth so you don’t feel discomfort at any point. As for the actual process of removing the tooth, we have two options: a simple extraction and a surgical extraction.

Let’s start with a simple extraction, which is used when the tooth that needs to be removed is above the gumline. In this case, Dr. Atluri will use a special tool to gently rock the tooth back and forth until it becomes loose. Then, she will carefully remove it.

With surgical extractions, the process is quite different since the tooth hasn’t broken through the gumline. Therefore, we need to make a small incision in your gums to access the tooth before removing it. Oftentimes, this requires us to break it up into small pieces first. Rest assured, you won’t feel anything more than some slight pressure from us working!

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Woman smiling while sitting on couch and watching show on tablet

For a smooth recovery, we recommend:

  • Keeping your mouth clean (we will give you detailed instructions on how to do so).
  • Refraining from smoking or using any tobacco products.
  • Not working out or engaging in other strenuous physical activities.
  • Keeping your head elevated while you sleep.
  • Eating soft foods, like plain yogurt, soup, and scrambled eggs.
  • Not spitting or drinking through a straw.
  • Taking OTC pain medication as needed.
  • Not chewing on the side of your mouth that the extracted tooth was on.

Understanding the Cost of Tooth Extractions

Female patient sitting in dental chair and smiling

While you should generally have a tooth extraction performed as soon as possible once you find out that you need one, you should only commit to the procedure once you understand what the overall price will look like. The cost of tooth extraction isn’t set in stone, which is why we’ll take the time to put together a reliable estimate for you so that you can make informed decisions regarding your care.

Factors That Can Affect Tooth Extraction Cost

Illustration of a tooth being extracted in Arlington, TX

The details of the tooth extraction process can vary from case to case. So which factors will end up affecting the amount that you end up paying? Here is a list of some of the most important variables:

  • The Number of Teeth Involved: Sometimes a tooth extraction only involves removing a single tooth. However, certain patients may need to have multiple teeth taken out, which can add to the cost.
  • The Location of the Tooth: Since teeth near the back of your mouth tend to be more difficult to remove, extractions involving them tend to cost more.
  • The Type of Extraction: Tooth extractions can either be simple or surgical. In general, you can expect to pay more for surgical procedures.
  • The Kind of Tooth Replacement You Use: It’s typically best to have an extracted tooth replaced as soon as you can. Your options include dental bridges, dentures, and dental implants; each one comes with a different price tag.

We can go into more detail about the likely cost of your tooth extraction – and the factors contributing to it – when you visit our office for a consultation.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Tooth Extractions?

Wooden blocks spelling out the words “Dental Plan”

Typically, you can expect your dental insurance plan to help pay for a tooth extraction. Since it’s often considered a major procedure, coverage is often around 50% before taking your deductible and annual maximum into account. Of course, since every dental insurance plan is different, you should double-check your benefits to confirm what coverage is available.

We know that dental insurance can be confusing, so don’t be afraid to let us know if you need assistance! We can go over your plan with you and clarify any details that you might be uncertain about. You can trust us to do all we can to help you maximize your benefits.

How to Make Tooth Extractions Affordable

Man in dental chair giving the “okay” sign

Patients who don’t have traditional dental insurance are welcome to sign up for our in-house membership plan. Our adult and child plans both cover one emergency visit per year (including X-rays) and offer a 20% discount on select treatments. Furthermore, if it would be more convenient for you to pay for your tooth extraction in installments, we can help you apply for CareCredit or SunBit financing. Don’t hesitate to speak to our team to learn more about the options that we offer for making dental costs more manageable.

Tooth Extractions FAQs

How Should I Prepare for My Tooth Extraction?

Preparations for your tooth extraction will involve a variety of steps, so make sure to speak with Dr. Atluri and our team about any questions and concerns that you might have before moving forward. Of course, we will provide you with a specific list of instructions on how to be ready for your procedure, including what you should bring to your appointment as well as what you can consume the morning of. In many cases, patients will need to fast hours ahead of time to avoid complications during the process.

We’ll likely use a local anesthetic to help keep you pain-free throughout the treatment. For this reason, you’ll need to have a family member or trusted friend to drive you to and from your appointment. The numbing effects can often last for several hours after a visit, which can also impair your ability to operate a vehicle. By having everything in place, you can be sure to undergo your procedure without a hitch.

Can I Leave the Space Empty After a Tooth Extraction?

We highly recommend that you get a tooth replacement after having one of your teeth extracted, even if it’s a rear molar that others may not even be able to see (except for wisdom teeth). Not only does a full smile improve your overall appearance, but it’s also crucial for performing oral tasks properly and comfortably, such as eating and talking. A single missing tooth can negatively impact your ability to chew, which can increase your risk of malnutrition and indigestion.

Furthermore, without stimulation to your bone tissue, your jaw can begin to shrink, drastically changing your facial structure and making any other teeth susceptible to shifting out of place or falling out. To avoid further oral health complications from tooth loss, make sure to consult Dr. Atluri about your solutions for rebuilding your smile, including a dental bridge, denture, or dental implant.

Is There an Alternative to a Tooth Extraction?

This will depend on the specific underlying problem. If you’re getting an extraction because of extensive dental decay, then you might actually want to consider undergoing root canal treatment. Periodontal disease can also be treated with scaling and root planing, as well as other methods for controlling infection in the gums. Of course, these alternative solutions to restoring your oral health may not always be viable in every circumstance.

Remember that tooth extraction is our very last resort and we’ll also want to preserve your natural pearly whites before jumping to treatments like dental implants to replace an extracted tooth. Removing teeth will always be performed only when absolutely necessary, and our team will walk you through every treatment option so that we can help you improve and maintain a strong and healthy smile.

Can I Smoke After Getting a Tooth Extracted?

You should never smoke after undergoing tooth extraction. Not only do tobacco products increase your risk of issues like gum disease and oral cancer, but they can also delay your healing process. The last thing you’d want is to develop an infection right after removing a tooth, which can be detrimental to the rest of your mouth. It’s best to quit smoking entirely, but at the very least refrain from using these products for five days following your treatment. If you need resources, guidance, or support for quitting this habit, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for help!